Facts you don't know about an elephant
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The elephant falls under the rank of nomads and is a huge mammal of predators. One of the most important species of elephants that are still alive is the African and Asian elephants.
Elephants are among the only nods that survive. Elephants are considered to be one of the largest living animals after the extinction of many ancient boundaries such as mammoths and sands.
The African elephant is different from the Asian elephant in that the size of the African elephant is larger than the Asian elephant. An African elephant can be up to 4 meters high and weighs about 7,000 kg compared to an Asian elephant. It is 3.5 meters high and weighs about 3,500kg-4,600 kg.
The African continent and the Asian continent are among the most important places where elephants are spread on earth, especially in the southern region of the Sahara. While elephants are found in south Asia from the Asian continent.
The elephant is the largest wild animal on earth.
The hallmarks of the elephant
The long hose, a very long nose, has a strong sense of smell that enables it to smell the wind direction to identify water sources. The elephant uses his hose to pick up small objects, collect food, absorb water for drinking, and also uses a hose to push water on the back of the shower.
Two large, wide ears that act as a fan to cool the atmosphere around his body and also help lower his body temperature. The African elephant is larger than the Asian elephant's ears.
A strong memory that helps keep and raise awareness of things and places for many years. The strength of memory helps to access water resources during periods of drought that may extend for several years on the continent of Africa.
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The eyes are so far away that they can see as much space as possible and their eyes are small compared to their size.
The skeleton of the elephant consists of 326 to 351 bones.
The color of elephants tends to be gray and some tend to be dark brown.
The skin is very harsh, strong, and very strong and despite the harsh lashes, but his skin is very sensitive, so he uses clay on his body to protect him from the ultraviolet sunlight and to protect him from insect bites.
Average age of an elephant
The elephant falls under the rank of slow-growing mammals.
The African elephant is the longest-lived elephant with an average lifespan of about 60 to 70 years.
The average age of elephants kept in zoos is about 17 years due to obesity due to lack of mobility in the reserved gardens.
What does an elephant eat?
The elephant is considered a vegetarian animal and is called the herb-eating animals.
The elephant is characterized by a weak digestive system as it feeds on different types of herbs, fruits, leaves of trees, plant seeds, and bark.
The elephant spends a lot of time collecting and devouring food, where the adult elephant eats about 100 kilograms of plants a day and averages about 60 gallons of water.
One of the most important risks to elephants is their exposure to hunting and killing, making them endangered. In the past, elephants were hunted for ivory. Elephants are used in circuses in acrobatic performances and are also used to enjoy viewing them in different zoos.
the breeding of elephants
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The growth of an elephant's male is completed when he reaches the age of 10-14.
Most male elephants do not mate after 30 years because female elephants do not want to mate with small males.
Female elephants stay after they have grown up with the family, and can start mating after the age of 12, may become female elephants as a mother when she is 13 years old.
In general, male herds are characteristic of being less disciplined, interconnected, and cooperative than female herds. Male herds wander separately from female herds but communicate with them in connection under my voice. Male herds are less complex than female herds.
The duration of the pregnancy of an elephant female ranges from 18 months to 22 months and she gives birth to one child, weighing between 115 and 145 kg at birth.
In rare cases, a female elephant may have twins, in which case it needs significant support from all members of the herd to take care of the small filing, as in this case, they need special care.
The female elephant is very much nostalgic for her son, the female defends all the young in case they are exposed to danger, the young elephants are the responsibility of the entire herd defending them to avoid any dangers even if they are not their children.
Young elephants
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Young elephants are called in Arabic as "Doves".
Young elephants are considered vulnerable as once they are born, only a fraction of their brain works and they lack all the vital skills they need to survive.
Therefore, it is necessary to help the mother elephant of the young, since the young man without his mother may not write him life and survival.
Young elephants have a tremendous ability to learn different skills as their brain is softer than other animals. This feature gives her the tremendous ability to learn with the help of the mother, and the small elephants learn how to drink, eat, what to eat, and the way to dust and bathe from her mother and family.
The social life of elephants
The social life of male and female elephants is very different from each other.
Female life is interlinked and in maternal family groups. Strongly linked to each other, these family groups are made up of elephant mothers and young people and can number more than ten elephants per family.
The oldest female is the leader of the group and remains the leader and leader until she dies or when she runs out of energies to play this role or is unable to play her role.
When leading elephants die or are forced to leave their position, another leader must come in her place and have to be stook by the oldest elephants, even if she is the sister of the former leader.
One of the leading tasks is to give the decision with the greatest impact on the entire group.
The social environment of the female elephant is not limited to a small family group but engages in social interactions with groups of other tribes, forming associated groups that form the union of two family groups with each other.
In the dry season, elephant families are united and called "clan/tribe", and their mission is to defend the region against other tribes during the dry season.
Approximately 9 groups are usually united within the same tribe and are tasked with protecting young elephants and baby sitting.
Family groups of African forest elephants are often made up of females and two or three young people.
Male life is completely different from that of females.
When males reach maturity, they interact with other males.
When the males are separated from the group, they live either alone or with other males.
Asian elephant males generally live alone but can also live in groups consisting of two or more male elephants, up to a maximum of seven males to form a group.
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